Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Kiss....

Happy New Years !!!
I remember growing up in Michigan, how very cold it was on New Years Eve.  As children my brothers and cousins and I would run outside and make lots of noise at the stroke of midnight.  We would all be freezing our toes off.  It was so much fun.  Year after year the numbers of fellow noise makers started dwindling.  The older cousins were now found in the dark corners of the living room stealing a New Years Eve kiss.  Not sayin we were kissing cousins...nope.  We had lots of families at our parties so as the years past the teens were plentiful.   With four children of my own and having moved from Michigan to Georgia, to North Carolina and now to Virginia, I have seen that same transition.  And it just about makes your heart stop.  Watching my fifteen year old daughter blushing at the thought, and my thirteen year old son being stalked, but remaining forever clueless.  But, there is still Gracie, my sweet seven year old noise maker.  She and her ten year old brother Nicholas but on the best show when the count down starts.  Screaming at the top of their lungs each number  3, 2, 1 and BAMMMM!  They are out on the front lawn yelling and screaming and throwing confetti all over.  I love my noise makers.  Hubby and I join in and enjoy their moment.  The teens look tempted from the porch, but are still waiting for the prospects of next New Years Eve.   Oh, they will be back......we all still have a bit of a Noise Maker in all of us on New Years Eve.  Blessings!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

God is so good.

You know when you have something on your heart.  Something that in no way possible you or anyone you know could possibly fix.  Like a beloved child who is ill, or a friend who is out of work,  or any number of life's curve balls.  You feel so very helpless.  You feel as though you have no power.  You feel so low.  But...then we remember we are not alone.  We have people.  We have God.  And when you put your people together with God something amazing happens.  Hope.  You start to see that there is a reason.  One that we are not meant to understand, but still a reason for our pain.  Today after three long years of uncertainty and stress a very important family has been given a gift.  An answer to prayer.  A mending of hearts and a celebration of the one and only one who could have made this situation right, God.  Thank you, thank you , thank you!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A BIC and some butter.....

Hello friends....
I saw something today I have never seen before.  The hubby and I were at the Cracker Barrel for a much needed date.  These are a must have for us.  It is a chance for us to remember the person we dated way back when and fell in love with.  We talk about the kids and the house and his work and whatever we need to get aired out.  Then we just visit.  It is nice. the place was packed.  Busy ..busy ..busy..which is great.  This part of Virginia is hurting with the economy ..more then other places I'd say.  I love love  LOVE to people watch and today was no different and today it did not disappoint.
Evidently the guy at the table across the way did not like the fact that his toast was not hot enough to melt his little pads of butter.  He was at a full table of family or friends and he pulled out his BIC.  Yes, his lighter and proceeded to heat his butter.  No one at the table said a word or snickered.  So I am thinking this is a common thing....???  Took everything I had not to shoot hot tea out my nose.  I was cracking up. So .... I have a new term...BIC that BUTTER!!!   LOL  Blessings!

Goofy family photo....

Virginia....after Christmas.

This has been the first Christmas in our home in Virginia.  We moved in last September and to be honest I  was not a happy girl.  After you get to know me a bit you will understand the magnitude of this.  Last year I did not even put up a tree.  We packed up the kids and headed back to the snowy north to be with family for Christmas.  I just could not find the spirit of the holidays and needed help from those that I consider experts at Christmas Sprit, my large extended family.  Well this year I am proud to say my home is in order and we had ourselves an amazing Christmas!  From Atlanta to Raleigh and now to Richmond there is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING like a GOOD OLD FASHIONED SOUTHERN CHRISTMAS!  Blessings!